Green Building LogoWhat does the standard “AS NZS ISO 9972:2015” do?

  • Quantifies Thermal performance of buildings
  • Determination of the building air permeability rate
  • Fan pressurization/Blower Door method

Quick tips/summary for ensuring a company is testing to an Australian Standard (AS NZS ISO 9972:2015).

ATTMA Member

Finally, Australia has a standard for Air tightness testing of the building envelope.

There are three methods for preparation:  Preparation is key to testing to a standard.   It ensures that testing can be replicated, and ensures that the result of testing is useful to understand the effectiveness of the building envelope efficiency performance in maintaining a temperature differential between inside and outside.

Method 1 is the test of the building in use where the natural ventilation is closed, and the whole building mechanical ventilation or air conditioning openings are sealed.

Method 2 is the test of the building envelope where all the intentional openings are sealed, and the doors, windows, and manholes are closed.

Air Infiltration Ventialtion Association for Australia

Method 3 is the test of the building for a particular purpose, the treatment of the intentional openings being adapted to this purpose according to the standard or policy that may be specified.


Baseline/Bias pressures are critical, to get an understanding of the dynamics of pressure acting on the building.  If 5Pa of pressure is captured during a baseline, the test is not valid.   This pressure must be remedied permanently to conduct the test.

Getting the building up to at least 50Pa is also absolutely critical to get an accurate understanding of the leakage in a building.  75Pa is even more desirable, but if the building is too leaky

If a building is too leaky for the fan power that is applied to undertake the blower door test, a pressure of at least 25Pa can be created to comply with the standard.  To properly test a building, a pressure of 50Pa needs to be achieved.  It must be clearly recorded in the test report with a statement that the requirements of the standard have not been fully met and an account of the reasons must be trouble shooted and explained. An alternative solution is to measure significant buildings by dividing into some smaller parts using guarded blower door testing.  It’s critical that a contractor doing the testing, allows for enough firepower, to test up to the necessary pressure.   Ensure in the quoting that all contractors have allowed for the same amount of fans.

Stack Effect, wind and HVAC Pressure.


Testing to 10m3/h/m2

m3 Air VolumeFans Required
17000+Building must be inspected

*Note the leakier the rate, the more fans that are required to do an area.

Testing to 5m3/h/m2

m3 Air VolumeFans Required
37000+Building must be inspected

Call us for more information on the standard, or for testing to this international standard that has now been adopted by Australia.

Dual Fan Blower Door test Single fan blower door test