Automated Airtightness in the Ducts and the Building envelope

Efficiency Matrix and its eCaulkair product are a safe, non-toxic automated application of sealant for rigid ducts or plenums used Globally in commercial & domestic air tightness applications. The key ingredient of the sealant is similar to the stuff you find in chewing gum and hair spray.

Efficiency Matrix doing an eCAULKair sealing up of ductwork Tested and approved for use in

Operation theaters (Hospitals)

Clean room applications

Residential developments

Schools & Education facilities


Occupied office buildings


It is completely inert and has no residual odor.

It contains an approved and certified anti-microbial agent to prevent mold growth.

In public or occupied buildings eCAULKair use heavy duty extraction fans connected to flexible plastic ducts which are exhausted outside the building. The eCAULKair scent is very faint. After approximately 15 minutes the mild PVA wood glue smell disappears.

eCAULKair has been tested and certified for public use in both residential and commercial applications.

Rigorous tests and compliance of eCAULKair were required for it to be able to be used in hospitals in Australia

The establishment’s duct system is isolated and eCAULKair is blown in as a non-noxious vapor which seals air leaks in rigid duct systems. It leaves no residue nor any persistent odor. It is safe to use in all applications including medical, clean room laboratories and residential developments.

The eCAULKair Sealant

The sealant material consists of a water-based solution (65% water) prior to application. The dried sealant material primarily contains two chemicals, vinyl acetate polymer (VAP) and 2-ethyl-1 hexanol (2E1H). The vast majority of what is left in the duct system is VAP, which has been used in water-based paints, adhesives, and hair spray. VAP has been used in chewing gum and has no OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) Exposure Limit. 2E1H is a common industrial solvent and is not considered toxic by OSHA. A review of the literature showed no ill effects after long-term exposure to concentrations of 200 ppm. The largest concentration of 2E1H measured in test houses was 1 ppb (200,000 times smaller), during Aeroseal injection.

The sealant is UL-listed for smoke generation and flame spread (UL 723 0,0), the sealant has been tested in accordance with AS1530.3, comply with all the requirements in NCC in regards to Ignitability, Spread of Flame, Heat Evolved and Smoke developed aspects. Independent test (SCAQMD Method 304-91) shows VOC content is within the GreenStar limits.

In addition, testing by UL showed no signs of mold growth or erosion.

Diagram of Air tightnes with eCAULKairHOW eCAULKair WORKS

Duct vents are covered in order for air to escape only through the leaks

eCAULKair polymer sealant introduced by the technician

Small aerosol particles are kept suspended in the airflow by continuous air movement

As the air stream makes a sharp turn for exiting through a leak, the particles collide with and adhere to the leak edges

Ducts are sealed using the escaping air

A computer-generated analysis summarizing the buildings air leakage is generated, providing verification of a success procedure.

The eCAULKair machine and all the blanking panels are removed from the duct system. Any mild PVA wood glue odor disappears within approximately 15-30mins