Thermal Imaging of Downlight Mitt fixing downlights.
Thermal Imaging of the Downlight Mitt fixing downlights. At a time when LED’s are becoming very popular, downlight covers are also becoming critical for recessed lighting energy efficiency in Australia due to the need to have insulation consistency in 6-star energy star rated homes. Efficiency Matrix provides Australians more reasons to move forward with a product to cover downlights.
In this thermal imaging, the Downlight Mitt is the cone-shaped product on the right. It completely stops the convection current effect and separates your roof from your living area with an R-value, unlike plastic downlight covers, which only prevents draughts.
The R-Value consistency of your insulation in your roof is equally as important as reducing the draught effect and convection current effect in your home. There is no need to settle for just a fire retardant product, demand the best, demand downlight insulation which also has a fire rating!
Images provided by Air Leakage Measurement Australia